Can't even win for losing.
I saw this guy the other night. He was this stranger on a stage. I didn't know him from Adam, and I thought 'I'd like to marry him one day.' What kind of crazy, flipping thought is that? But folk think this crap everyday, don't they? Strangers end up marrying totally strangers they don't ever take the freakin' time to get to know for qualities other than potential trophy wife or big money husband appeal.
Darn, freakin' nonsense. Can't believe the world works this way. And this is the only model I have?
'Bout time I move to another planet, perhaps. One with better climate control while I'm at it.
But this guy I saw - he could sing really well and he didn't make my eyes glaze over in a fix. Totally eye candy - the good kind that doesn't corrupt a gal from the inside out or turn her teeth black. Yet I can barely picture an introduction with him. How would we freakin' meet? I bet he's married. All the good ol' ones are.
I guess I can't figure out the horrid logistics of love. I reckon that's the class I missed somewhere in between undergrad and the real freakin' world. Somehow I got railroaded and train-wrecked. Branded too accident-prone for love.
Y'all know what I should do? Start a new religion here for love worn-outs who can find love by being drugged out of the square-pegged box of empty they just happen to fall into by no shear means of their own. More suitable eye candy is what we need. None of that freakin' fake stuff.
Fake is useless.
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