Here's a repost from a post I found from one of my old blogs, dated July 29, 2007. It's neat to look back on this, especially since I am pursuing a career in advertising now. I didn't have a clue on how to get into it then. Glad I didn't take the original advice I found on the Internet. Ad sales is NOT the way to break into the creative side of advertising.
career switch?
One day, the same friend from the previous post asked me what I would do if I could do anything else besides being a reporter. That's easy:
Write commercials.
Go into public relations.
I love commercials, especially the ones that really catch my attention, like all good commercials should. I don't really have an all-time favorite one though. I have a few ideas for some though, which I won't share — who knows, I could actually use them one day.
Here's a cool one:
During my video production class in college we got to write and produce our own commercials. It was really cool. Though I can't remember what mine was about, except that I used part of the soundtrack from "A Charlie Brown's Christmas" for it and I had people sitting around drinking coffee or something ... My mom asks me about commercial writing every once in a blue cause when I was a kid I used to tell her that I would enjoy doing that. I should do it one day, but I don't have a clue how I would get into it.
Curious, I looked on the Internet. Looks like I would have to take some marketing classes, but it said that if I'm really passionate about it, I could break into the business by working in ad sales (yuck), maybe even PR. Plus, I'm great with listening to other people's needs, which is needed when you meet with clients about their product. . . .
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