He loved his job because it was just him and the road. No one else was with him. Just him and talk radio.
But one day, Jason wondered what else he could do with his life. He didn't have any other ambitions. He had no desire to be famous. He had no desire to capitalize on the world. He only liked driving his truck, yet he wondered if life offered more than the ordinary.
Jason told people he was simply "A trucker guy." He wanted to change that sentence to something more conversational. Sentences like "I build hotels" or "I race cars" or "I once wrestled an alligator with my bear hands" would make him feel more important.
He thought about all this one day during his truck ride from South Carolina to North Carolina, where he delivered dishwashing machines to a small remote appliance store in the Blue Ridge Mountains. He loved going there. The moutains were home to one of his favorite people - Mr. Sageworth. Mr. Sageworth was the 98-year-old owner of Sageworth's Appliances, the only store of its kind within a 78-mile radius. Mr. Sageworth never smiled or laughed, not even when he was making a joke, which was often. He was one of the most straight-faced men Jason ever met. Mr. Sageworth was perhaps the world's greatest salesman, too.
"It takes charisma to do that," Mr. Sageworth often said in his monotone voice.
Insert laughing here, Jason would always think to himself after Mr. Sageworth spoke.
Jason's next trip to Sageworth's Appliances would be next week.
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