Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fiction contest hopeful

So I entered my first fiction contest. Don't know if I'll win, but it's cool to actually be submitting something.

Though the deadline isn't until another two weeks, I knew I wouldn't have time to commit to writing a short story from scratch - not with a billion projects from school and other things demanding my attention. So I decided to go through some of my old stories - some written recently for class and others that have been sitting around in old notebooks collecting microscopic dust.

I decided to go with a story I wrote a while back during my first year of college at Georgia Southern. I still remember the night I wrote it. I lived on campus at the time with my roommate/bff. I think she had some friends over. After a while, I wanted to get some fresh air.

There's only so many places you can go without a car at night so I headed to the campus library. For once, I didn't feel like goofing off on the Internet. I was eager to write. So I sat at a computer and started typing, not knowing what was going to come out. I kept typing.

And typing.

The story just told itself, like a lot of my stories end up doing. Before I knew it, I had an epic short story with an awesome moral twist inspired perhaps by the late great Flannery O'Connor - one of my favorite authors. I quickly emailed it to a few of my friends I still kept in touch with from my high school AP English class, who said they loved it. After I wrote it, I printed out a copy for myself, always hoping I'd get around to typing it out again so I can have it on my personal hard drive - it was lounging around in email world at the time. So finally, after all these years, it's on my hard drive and also sitting in a stranger's inbox, waiting to be reviewed for the contest.

Here's hoping something good comes from it.

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