Dear You,
I'm sorry I hurt you. Though, I don't have a clue what I've done.
Maybe it's the not doing that was a problem. When I don't know what to do, where to go - I freeze up and pray that the angels move my feet for me.
Dear You,
Sorry I didn't pick up on your subliminal emotions. I don't think I'm wired correctly to read them - so I stopped believing. I gave up on fairy tales a long time ago. If you want me to know something, then please tell me. I promise I'll be kind.
Dear You,
I'm so glad you put up with me and all my aloofness. Being aloof is my only defense against the potential of a broken heart.
Dear You,
Haven't heard from you. Are you being aloof too? If so, we have more in common than it seems.
Dear You,
I haven't forgotten about you. Every night I sit and remember the oddest phases of our friendship. I've pieced together all your subliminal moments and replayed them in my mind. I get it now. I get you now. But a part of me is still unsure - Please help me believe in your fairy tale again.
Dear You,
I'd like to give you a second chance. Or rather, let you finish the first chance - the chance I kept blocking. I was wrong about you. Let's start over again.
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